富邦金盃勇士籃球邀請賽 防疫實聯制表單


提醒您,入場時請出示專屬QR code 及有照片身分證件以備查驗。若未依規定填寫健康聲明書者,將無法取得2020富邦金盃勇士籃球邀請賽進場權限。

*請注意,該QR code 為一次性使用,轉讓無效。


To maintain steady domestic epidemic control, 2020 Fubon Cup Braves Basketball Tournament shall adopt the contact-based policy. When collection is required by epidemic control, the collected personal data shall be provided for use in epidemic investigation and contact by the health authorities with respect to the “Communicable Disease Control Act” and related laws and regulations. Personal data will be erased after 28 days since the date of collection. Reminder, please present your QR code with a photo ID for verification. If an individual does not fulfill the Health Status Declaration Form properly, he/she will be prohibited from entry to the 2020 Fubon Cup Braves Basketball Tournament. Those who have read this operating principle and participated in the activity shall be deemed to agree to the above collection, processing and use of personal data.

凡進場皆需填寫 All participants need to register.
所有欄位均為必填!All fields are Required!

參加者資訊 Participant's Information
*姓名 Name (每位進場者皆需填寫,以取得實聯制登記QR Code)
必填 Required!

聯絡資訊 (填寫成功訊息將會發至以下聯絡方式)
Contact Information (The successful registration message will be send to the following contact information)
【代未持有手機 or E-mail之親友填寫,可使用自己手機號碼/信箱進行申請】
*行動電話 Cell Phone

觀看場次 Date
(若兩天皆進場,需分別填寫以取得實聯制進場 QRCode)
(Please fulfill the Health Status Declaration Form seperately if entering both days of the Tournament)

若有進場相關問題,請於上班時間週一至週五( 09:00 -12:00 ; 13:30 -17:30 )
撥打富邦勇士客服專線 02-66027553
Confirm your information

參加者資訊 Participant's Information
*參加者姓名 Participant's Name

聯絡資訊 (填寫成功訊息將會發至以下聯絡方式)
Contact Information (The successful registration message will be send to the following contact information)

觀看場次 Date
(Please fulfill the Health Status Declaration Form seperately if entering both days of the Tournament)
您已成功完成填寫「2020 富邦金盃 勇士籃球邀請賽」防疫實聯制。
提醒您,入場時請攜帶門票,並出示此頁面之QR Code及有照片身分證予工作人員。
▲請注意,此QR code 為一次性使用,轉讓無效。
{{this.RtnData[0].regi_sno}} {{this.RtnData[0].fname}}

  1. 入場時請配合測量體溫、手部酒精消毒,若發現體溫超過 37.5 度者,將引導至複檢區,複檢後仍超過則不得入場,敬請見諒。
  2. 進入場內須全程配戴口罩,若無口罩,恕無法入場。如需於飲食,請於飲食完畢後將口罩戴上。
  3. 請依照工作人員指示配合球場相關防疫規定,未配合者主辦單位有權禁止其進入球場。

線上防疫實聯制登記系統將於09/02 00:00開放
Online anti-epidemic registration system will be opened on 09/02 00:00

Registration is failed
You are high risk person, please do not join this activity.
