Notice: Visitors with paper tickets should acquire their exchange coupons in the exhibition hall.
Please do not fill in this form.

* 欄位為必填   Fields marked with an asterisk * are required fields.

(請填寫正確的電子郵件,兌換 QR code將寄發至您填寫之電子郵件)
(Please make sure to provide an active email account because the QR code coupon will be sent to that email.)


(請填寫正確的電子郵件,兌換 QR code將寄發至您填寫之電子郵件)
Please confirm your email address by providing it a second time. (Please make sure to provide an active email account because the QR code coupon will be sent to that email.)

(This is only for usage of the 2021TIBE coupon, and this information will be deleted after the exhibition.)

  1. 購買實體書展門票者請至書展現場兌換抵用券,無須填寫表單
  2. QR code將寄送至Email,請將QR code截圖或列印下來於現場兌換處兌換抵用券
  3. 於現場兌換時請出示QR code及相關憑證
  4. 現場兌換處:世貿一館書展內「主題廣場」或「韓國主題國館」前兌換處
  5. 書展實施實名制入場,可掃描身分證或臺北市政府MyCode隨行碼入場,尚未申請MyCode隨行碼請於預先進行申請 https://mycode.gov.taipei/mycode
  6. 寒假趣書展團體,需由領隊老師報名。至世貿一館大會服務台,完成報到程序,領取TiBE購書抵用券。
  1. Visitors with paper tickets should acquire their exchange coupons in the exhibition hall. Please do not fill in this form.
  2. Your QR code will be sent to your email. Please screenshot or print out your QR code, and use it to acquire your coupon.
  3. Please show your QR code and your passport to receive your coupon.
  4. Coupon Exchange Desks: Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 1F: 1. Next to “Theme Square” 2. Next to “GOH: Korea Pavilion”
  5. COVID-19 Measures: During 2021TIBE, visitors and exhibitors should scan their ID or register for “My Code” service from the Taipei City Government. For “My Code” registration, please go to https://mycode.gov.taipei/mycode

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Chun Hsu at chun@taipeibookfair.org.