About House of Progress Taipei

House of Progress 是 Audi 全球性的品牌盛事,以品牌秉持的『Progress』進化精神作為主軸,打造一間獨一無二的概念店。
今年夏天 Audi 概念店將座落在信義區克緹大樓,空間設計以 Audi 前瞻思維打造,利用沉浸式的互動體驗讓貴賓更深入了解品牌的 4 大進化核心價值『永續、動能、科技、美學』。

Progress you can feel.


House of Progress is a globally celebrated event of Audi, aiming to create a unique concept store centered around the brand's core value of "Progress". The Audi House of Progress will be opening its door at Xinyi District's Kelti International Tower this coming summer. The house is designed based on Audi's forward-thinking approach, utilizing immersive interactive experiences to allow guests to gain a deeper understanding of Audi’s four brand values of "sustainability, performance, digitalization and design".

Progress you can feel.


Audi urbansphere concept

Audi urbansphere concept 概念車憑藉其寬敞的車室空間與高科技配置,在尖峰時段的城市中成為一個避風港,為你帶來絕佳的舒適體驗。

The Audi urbansphere concept aims to create a new kind of private realm with a networked ecosystem that provides every passenger with the means to recharge their batteries as they see fit during their journey.​

Q8 e-tron

全新純電 Audi Q8 e-tron 標準配備主動式氣壓懸掛,可調校車身高度升降達 76 mm,減低風阻及適應不同駕駛需要,從容駕馭天氣轉變及崎嶇路面,保持平穩及安全操控。

續航高達 600 公里 (WLTP)*,支援 170 kW DC快速充電,31 分鐘充電至 80%^,配合多項革命性頂尖科技,由內而外演繹超越想像的純電未來。

The new, fully electric Audi Q8 e-tron is equipped with adaptive air suspension with adjustable body height for up to 76mm that reduces wind resistance and adapts to different driving needs, ensuring steady control through weather changes and rough roads.

Maximum range is up to 600 km (WLTP) and supports 170kW DC charging, which is capable to charge up to 80% in just 31 mins, coupled with advanced technologies, shaping the future of e-mobility beyond your imagination.

RS e-tron GT

RS e-tron GT以前瞻智慧燈光科技引領車壇,搭載智慧雷射遠光燈創造高辨識度的矩陣式排列技術,使黑夜光亮猶如白晝,動靜皆是眾人焦點。低重心的蜂巢式盾形護罩設計,打造如雕刻藝術品般的設計,將斜背動感車身比例及 Audi RS 車型無法錯認的特色整合於一身。


RS e-tron GT leads the auto industry with visionary smart lighting technology and intelligent laser high beam. Highly recognizable matrix technology lights up the night like day time, drawing attention with movement. Honeycomb grille with low centre of gravity design are part of the sculpted artisan design  that combines the sloping roofline and the unmistakeable Audi RS model into one. 

Powerful and poise, creating dynamic fascinating moments.